
I met her at the local watering hole.  We cotton-eye-Joed the Texas night away.  Her eyes were like lone stars, lips sweeter than fried okra, and she had a body like a Mexican combination plate; two jalapeno burritos, enchiladas, and a fiery taco bueno.

Coyotes yippi-ki-yaaed, as we drove to an old Comanche arrowhead chipping ground.  We topped a hill and rousted twelve fornicating armadillos in the middle of the black top.  Interrupting their coitus infuriated the armor-plated rodents.  They rolled into a cannonball formation, in such uniformity, it would've made a Confederate artilleryman proud.

Arriving at our location for a libation the moon shone down like Lilly Langtree's bare ass.  We drank several long necks,then she drank one more.

I'll never forget her words.

"City dudes can't keep up with cowboys, but you ain't half bad. I should know, because I put the cunt in country."

That's when I licked my eyebrows.

She said, "Well, I'll be damned."

God truly must be from Texas.

Three Beats

Blinding of Samson
by Rembrandt,
Thief on the Cross
by Robert Campin,

Stephan Lochner's
Martyrdom of the Apostles,
six saints in the hands
of torturers

I was an artillery gunner,
in a German museum,
pulled into the raging
heart of the artists,
my heart skipped...

The Blinding of Samson

Thief On The Cross

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