
Lying undressed in a field
of mountain grass and flowers
of every color imaginable.
Gazing at the setting sun and first
stars of the sparkling galaxy.

Munificent clouds drift above.
You descend, the burning rain.
Making love to me, a drop
at a time.
Prolonging, stinging, sensual wet.

You are the blood of my heart.
A virgin's fading smile at dawn.
The devil on a midnight horse

making me gasp.
A fish without water.
A poet with no words.

A man curious beyond all rules;
beyond all laws,
beyond God and salvation.
beyond, beyond, beyond...


Life can be a walk
or a grand slam.
All over, when the ball
hits the ground
and the applause ends.

Steam smoking from a cup of coffee.
The bray of a jackass.
An icicle's melting thrust.

A moment to be savored.
An eternity of sorrow.
A thousand year old sequoia.
A butterfly near candle flame.

Suicide's a cowardly path;
without bravado or honor.
Mother earth has the power
to heal itself,
but humans do not.

Death is a mystery,
no one can explain.
And yet it is the greatest fear.
Existence requires courage.

I confess,
I've never been a hero.
Now, is all there is.
My words and you.

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