Xmas Farting Clap Dream Or Clapping Wakes Up My Wife Or V.D. Is Nothing To Clap About Or Fuck It Make Up Your Own Title

My wife bought me
a Clapper for Xmas
you plug it in the lamp
and stereo and clap

To get them to turn on
or off, in the night
I break wind
and the lights come

On and Santana's Smooth
floats through the airwaves
but I can never let
the second one to turn

Them off so I get up
douse the electriccandle
shut off the music
lie awake until the sheep

Become a wool comet
streaking white mutton
above my place of rest
and I have a half hour
sleep until reveille.

Brown Turnip

The authorities threw
the little man in the
cell. A huge dude
stomped over to gaze
down at him wickedly.

"I'm seven feet two,
weigh 375 pounds,
my dick's 20 inches,
Turnip Brown, Turnip Brown."

The pip squeak fainted
dead away. When he
awoke, the giant stared
at him from the shadows.

"What's up?" the big man
asked. "When you said
20 inch dick and told
me to turn around and
turn it brown, well..."

"My name is Turnip Brown,
but that's a good idea."
The giant unzipped slowly,
a whimper escaped the runt.

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