Words On The First Day Of Summer In The 21st Century

The words slide under the door that keep and hold my attention. They're outlawish, owl hooting, orange tipped wings of an oriole. A hogleg laid on a table aimed at your heart, a grin and glint in the eye.

They have to scream and moan let's rob God, the devil, and a bank all at the same time.

They have to say, fuck it we're all dying a day at a time, but it will never be on our knees, only with my fingers around your throat.

They can't quit and say now I'm superstitious or I'm sick and can't control my addictions. They say I'll be drinking what I want, smoking what I want, ingesting death if I want, making love to who, what, where, and when.

They must remain wild, courageous, bold, challenging every mountain, desert, ocean, obstacle.

Unafraid of jail, devil, church, God, family. Truth that is a multifaceted diamond reflecting moods, ups, downs,keyholes.

Your bank account doesn't interest me, nor who you've known or blown. Or read with or been published with. Your words before me are your bio.

I neither condemn nor condone the sellouts. You know who you are and have to live with that burden.

I'm just passing through and dropping a pebble into the stream.


"I'd like to plow
your dirt road,"
the new jailbird said.

"You ever see a man
swallow a brick?" I asked.

"No, why?"

"See that fucker
over in the corner?"
I pointed.

The guy looked like
his face had been
caved in with a sledgehammer.

"He said the same thing
to me yesterday."

Lover boy scurried away
like a filthy hyena.

copyright COOP.
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