If I Was A Horse...

In '72 a first louie
pinned me with a truck
against a tank

Looking down in horror
my shin bone was sticking out
tabasco red blood pumping in spurts
tourniquet and then shock

Steel-pinned for life
I'm fun in airports
never carry when traveling
with me

In '73 f.n.g. in the motor pool
(fucking new guy)
pushed a 700 lb. howitzer
radiator onto the same foot

After my army mishaps
25 years later
I step through a rotten roof
while rebuilding a chimney

Splinters and left foot
swollen in hooker mascara colors
ice, vodka/7 con limon
for pain and thirst

Ankle swells like a grapefruit
everyday everynight throb
going for an ultrasound soon
must be pregnant

I thought it was only the clap.

copyright bounty huntrer inc.

700 People Dancing

The voices from all over
earth come through a little
radio. 35 people dead in
Jerusalem, so far.

The fog rolls in over Scotland,
elections coming in England,
devolution in a fortnight.

Races in Monte Carlo,
Sean Connery on the front page.
Building collapses, crashing
onto a wedding in the City of David.
More dead being dug out.

51 dead found in graves in Russia.
Oklahoma bomber of 168 dead to die.
Macedonia minus Alexander battles Albania.
Beirut against Israel.

Japanese lepers apologized to.
Wow! What a world! I sit in
my basement and smoke a cigar
and thank God and ask why?
copyright bounty hunter inc.

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