Pondering Submission

Looking through the 1998
Poet's Market for new mags
to try, I ran across
American Atheist Press

"we're looking for poetry
with an atheistic slant"
well, no shit!

I wondered about my poem
with God sleeping with Jimmy
Hoffa in Davey Jones' locker
or me playing hide the pickle
with the Jehovah's Witness woman

beneath the atheists was
The American Cowboy Poet Magazine
"we will not publish any Old Blackie
dying poems, old hat, if these boots
could talk, etc."

what about Willie smoking
reefer on the White House roof
or Johnny Cash with a nose full
or toot driving his horned Lincoln
nude, steering with his dick
while singing a Boy Named Sue

moving to the c's I found
Center Press: Masters Award
"we want verve, natural rhythm,
discipline, impact, no verbosity
triteness or saccharine, that
makes us cringe"

sounds like a dude in a whorehouse
that wants his ass spanked,
then when he got around to fucking
he lost his hard on

next was Chaff
"our express purpose is
uniting Christian poets,
nothing satanic, obscene, violent,
sensual, erotic or homosexual"

so it's okay for Christians
to unite, how about a nun,
the Pope, a couple of televangelists
doing the naughty naughty

or a biker with the devil
tattooed on his chest
stretching out the poop chute
of Richard Simmons

there's nothing like thumbing
through Poet's Market
for some good ideas
copyright bounty hunter inc.

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